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GargoylesEmbrace Page 3

  Although her heart raced under his touch, she managed to respond. “Merci.”

  His fingers continued down over her collarbone and onto a breast, squeezing its fullness. “You are gorgeous, Tracy.” He circled her nipple, tweaking it gently. It hardened in response to his dexterous touch. “Do you have plans today?” He leaned up to lick her nipple and then enclosed it in his warm mouth.

  Tracy threw her head back instinctively. “Nothing I can’t reschedule.”

  “Can I convince you to spend the morning here with me? In your bed?”

  Tracy scooted back down onto the pillow and circled her arm around his neck. He resumed worshiping her breasts as desire welled deep within her.

  “I could spend all day with you here,” she purred.

  He planted a trail of kisses down her skin, circling her navel with his tongue. She squirmed and said, “That tickles.”

  “I like finding all your ticklish spots.” He kissed farther down, focusing on her inner thighs. “How about here?” He licked a smooth trail up to her most sensitive area, peering at her with those intense blue eyes.

  She caught her breath, unable to speak. She shook her head.

  Danton took his time, tasting every centimeter of her quivering flesh, shooting her to an unprecedented climax.

  When she returned to earth, she straddled him and stroked his massive cock to make sure he was ready. She rolled a condom onto his erection and then climbed on top of him, taking the lead. She rode him slowly at first and then grinded against him more intensely as the pressure mounted. Danton gripped her tiny waist, lifted his hips to thrust against her. The fire building inside her spread to every nerve in her body but focused on the bundle of nerves in her clit. It ached for more of him. Harder, faster, she rode him until volts of electricity rocked through her. She closed her eyes and, arching her back, she reveled in the ecstasy.

  Danton growled an inhuman sound. He buried his fingers in her hips and thrust so deeply into her, she yelped. When she reopened his eyes, she saw the pleasure spread across his face as his body emptied into her.

  Tracy scoured the contents of her fridge while she brewed coffee. It was already eleven a.m., but still time for breakfast.

  “Do you eat human food?”


  “Oh I wasn’t sure.”

  “When I’m in human form, just think of me as human,” he explained. “I eat, drink, make love just like a human male.”

  Maybe so, she thought. But no man ever made love to her the way he did.

  He had the towel wrapped around his waist. She found it hard to concentrate on making breakfast with her sexual appetite constantly stirred by his entrancing face, broad chest and finely cut abs. Even though they had made love just minutes ago, she had to fight the desire to mount him again on her kitchen chair and run her hands through his hair.

  “You’re blushing.” He interrupted her sexual fantasy. “What are you thinking?”

  “Nothing.” She buried her face in the fridge for cover. “I’m still hot from the bedroom.”

  Danton fried eggs while Tracy cut up fruit and poured them coffee. They ate their breakfast in her tiny, retro, red-and-yellow decorated kitchen, listening to a Nina Simone CD.

  “I like this music,” he said. “It’s different from the club.”

  Tracy couldn’t agree more. Vamps played all sorts of alternative, goth, techno, underground eighties music, with the occasional live rock bands. Although she loved the vibe and the music of the club, she craved something less intense in the mornings. She’d drink coffee and listen to the jazz brunch programs on Sundays or Frank Sinatra or Nina Simone CDs during the week.

  “I like to listen to this on Sunday mornings. Helps me unwind after working Saturday night.”

  They ate breakfast in silence for several minutes, listening to Nina sing Wild is the Wind. Danton appeared intent on listening to the music coming from her vintage-looking stereo mounted on the counter, which was docked with modern technology.

  After they finished eating and were on a second cup of coffee each, he asked, “What did you mean about the man who attacked you last night being taken care of?” His eyes expressed his concern, touching her deeply. How could they be the same eyes that flashed anger last night when he was about to crush Brian to a lifeless pulp?

  “I have a restraining order out on him.”

  “What’s that?”

  “It means there’s a court order for him not to come near me.”

  Danton snorted. “That worked well.” He took a sip of his coffee.

  “It would,” Tracy said defensively, “if I called the cops. Which I might have done had a stone statue not come to life and thrown him over the bar.”

  Danton put down his mug. “I can make sure he never hurts you again. That’s what I’m designed to do—protect humans, usually from other humans.”

  “Thank you, Danton. But it sounds a little too much like the mob for me. Besides, I think you gave him a taste of what you can do and I’m sure it’s scared the bejeezus out of him.” Tracy walked over to the coffee pot and refilled her mug. “More coffee?” She raised the pot in offering him more.

  “No thanks. How about I visit him today and let him know what will happen if he comes near you again?”

  “Chill out about Brian, will you?” She smiled to soften her tone and then raised an eyebrow. “You take this gargoyle protecting shit seriously, eh?”

  Danton fixed a deadeye stare on her. “Yes.”

  “Don’t worry. If he comes back to bother me, I know where to find you.” She furrowed her brows. “You’ll be back at Vamps, right?”

  “I will.”

  “That’s going to be weird.” Her voice trailed off as she spoke.

  “Why is that?”

  “Because we uh, you know, had world-rocking sex last night and again this morning. And I’m supposed to go back to work with you next to me locked in stone?”

  “That’s the way it’s been for months, has it not?”

  “But I didn’t know someone was alive in there. Is there any way you could stay out here? Stay in human form?”

  Danton’s blue eyes penetrated her for several long moments before he spoke. “There is.”

  “What?” She leaned forward. “How?”

  “If I bond with the one whom I am protecting, I am able to move between both worlds—gargoyle and man.”

  “Bond? What do you mean by bond?”

  “A love bond. We must take an oath to love one another.”

  “Yeah, so, I can do that. We’ll take an oath. Swear to love each other. Big deal. It doesn’t have to mean anything. It’s just some words.”

  “No, Tracy. It means everything.” His blue eyes widened. “When you take the oath, you are swearing to love—and in my case protect—the person all your days. The magic won’t work if the words are empty.”

  “Oh,” Tracy said while she considered his words. Agreeing to spend a night and day with someone was one thing. Vowing to be with them forever was another. Especially when the other person wasn’t human. How could a relationship like that even work?

  She thought of her relationship with Brian, which did not go well at all. If last night served as any indication, it warned her not to rush into a relationship too soon. Not until she really knew their character.

  “Sorry, Danton. I thought I could help you out. But I can’t do that.”

  Chapter Four

  “I understand completely,” Danton said with a solemn nod. “That is why I didn’t mention it last night. The vow is not something to be taken lightly.”

  Guilt crept across her face. He knew it was risky to mention it to her. She was the first human he’d felt connected to in a way that made him even consider taking the bond after all these centuries. He wasn’t sure what it was that entranced him so, but once he’d set his eyes on her, he knew she was the one he both wanted to protect and love. Making love to her as a man—something he’d longed to do for an eternity, it h
ad seemed—had reinforced that.

  She fumbled around for something in her freezer and he used the moment to admire her figure from the back, from her sexy pink hair down to her narrow waist. He loved how her hips flared to a rounded rear end, almost the shape of an upside-down heart.

  “I have some banana bread in here. Let me heat it up real quick.”

  While she defrosted a few slices in the microwave, he scanned her body from the front. Her generous breasts and rounded hips were curves he’d coveted night after night, as had dozens of other men at the bar. As both stone and man, his eyes sought her out, wanting to ensure she was safe and also to fill a more lustful need. He could never tire of this vision.

  “Your kind is quite remarkable, isn’t it?”

  “We think so.”

  Tracy put yellow sunflower plates on the table and brought the banana bread over. He found her decorating style both uplifting and amusing—lots of primary colors and flowers.

  “You don’t fear me?” he asked.

  “No,” Tracy replied. “Even though I saw you almost stomp Brian’s head in, I don’t think you’d ever hurt me. And you said it yourself, you feel like you have to protect me.”

  “Good. Humans often fear those who are different.” He leaned across the table and brushed a tendril of hair off her cheek. “They close their eyes to them, not wanting to see.” He took a piece of banana bread and devoured half of it in one bite.

  Tracy nibbled her slice while she appeared to think about something.

  “Since this is your one day as a man, what would you like to do today?”

  “I’ve already done it twice with you.” He rose from his chair. “I’d also like to spend it outdoors. See the ocean.”

  Her eyes followed him as he stood, and then she giggled.

  “What is it?”

  “When you stood I remembered how big you are. And then I remembered one part in particular I especially liked from last night.”

  “Glad you liked it.” He pulled her up.

  “First I need to take a quick shower.”

  He grinned. “Oh no you don’t. You need to take a long, hot shower. And you need someone to wash your back.”

  They left a trail of the towel and her clothing from her kitchen to bathroom. Within minutes, their naked bodies pressed against each other under the hot stream of the water, their tongues dancing together in a hungry kiss. With his time with her so limited, he wanted to explore every inch of her and lock it in memory.

  Danton bent down to kiss her and she stood on her tiptoes to reach his lips. He loved how her head just reached the perfect spot on his chest. He poured some of her lavender body wash onto a yellow poofy sponge and used it to run a soapy trail from her shoulders down over her arms and back. That was the scent he caught on her earlier, a floral scent so light and feminine it reminded him of summers in Provence. He administered a tender touch while lathering her breasts, anticipating how he’d inhale the scent on her skin as he kissed her all over as soon as possible. He loved watching the soap and water trail over and between her breasts and how her lips parted as she let him wash her.

  As he moved farther down, he thought she might lose her footing as she seemed unsteady for a moment. And then he slowly washed her thighs, up and over them. Then in between. Right at the apex of her thighs.

  He teased her by moving back to wash her buttocks.

  “You have such a splendid ass.” He used one hand to wash while the other squeezed and kneaded her feminine rear.

  Tracy pressed against him, encouraging him to explore her most sensitive parts. Then he returned to her inner thighs. He glanced up to see she had let her head fall back. He traveled the sponge over her folds, back and forth, making sure she was not only clean but also on the brink of ecstasy. He replaced the sponge with his fingers, rubbing over and then into her. One finger and then two, sliding in and out, fucking her with his fingers as she rubbed her clit against his hand.

  She let out a throaty moan. “Mmm, yesss.”

  Why did he only have twenty-four hours as a human? He’d never minded having to return back to his gargoyle form in the past as that was the way it always was. But he’d never spent his time as a man with someone like Tracy. And the more time he spent with her in this form, the harder he knew it would be to turn back.

  “You like that?” he said, bending down to kiss her neck.

  He forced brooding thoughts of how this might be the last time making love to her out of his mind. If this was going to be their only shower together, he’d make it one she’d never forget.

  “Uh huh.”

  Without any warning, he lifted her up, holding her by the buttocks and pressing her against the warmed tiles. She yelped, then wrapped her arms around his massive back, clinging to him for support.

  “I want to fuck you so badly,” Danton said, pressing his cock against her clit.

  “Yes. Now. Yes.” She melted against him, encouraging him.

  His cock explored the now-familiar folds of her entry before he impaled her flesh. His girth made it seem unlikely that he’d ever make it in, but like the past couple of times, her tight, slick channel welcomed him in after the initial resistance.

  He fucked her hard against the wall and she held on to him, grinding up and down against his cock. She responded to him so well that in no time at all she was climbing to her peak.

  “Yes, Danton. Oh god, I’m there.”

  She wrapped her arms and legs tighter around him as she rocketed higher and then shattered over him. As her limbs slackened, Danton pumped into her more furiously, fucking her so hard against the shower wall she squealed. He held nothing back during the last furious thrusts before an orgasm shook through him from the core and he pulled out, emptying his seed down her shower. A throaty moan escaped him as he dropped his head back, the hot stream from the shower nozzle dripping down his face.

  Tracey ran out to pick up clothes for Danton, but then wondered what style he’d prefer. Jeans? No, he wasn’t an ordinary man, he needed something more striking. A smile crept across her face as she drove to her favorite boutique store where she picked up her work clothes. Figuring he was used to all the black duds and fetish wear by now, she hoped he would be okay with wearing what she had in mind. It would cost much more, but this was a one-time opportunity and she wanted to splurge.

  Back at her apartment, she asked, “What do you think?” She handed him black leather pants and a matching jacket and put down a bag of other clothes and boots.

  He held the pants up. “I like it.”

  While he put them on, her eyes traveled up his legs to his crotch. It was a shame he had to wear clothing at all.

  “Err, there’s underwear in the bag if you want to wear them.”

  He buttoned the pants. “It’s fine like this.”

  She scanned his torso. “In a yummy way. I can see your abs.”

  They stopped by Vamps so Danton could retrieve some personal items he had stashed. He handed her some money.

  “What’s this for?”

  “The clothes you bought.”

  “Oh you don’t have to do that,” she said. ”Consider them a gift.”

  “Thank you.” He beamed. “It is I who should be getting you gifts.”

  Tracy drove to Gloucester and they walked along the waterfront. Danton took her hand as they passed the famed fisherman statue dedicated to those who lost their lives to the sea. A moment of hesitation ran through her, unsure if being affectionate now would make their parting later more difficult. But then she shrugged. Life was too short anyway.

  Danton inhaled. “I love the scent of the ocean. Nothing like it.” Although the eons in stone form didn’t bother him, when he was human, he realized all there was outside and he wanted to experience all he could while he had the time.

  “Mmm,” Tracy agreed. She glanced around the walkway. “We must look the pair. Do you see all the eyes we keep catching?”

  “I hadn’t noticed,” Danton said.
r />   “Well, you are quite striking—the tall, badass physique in leather and long blond hair. It’s not often we have someone looking like you walking around here.”

  “And your pink hair and tattoos. I see that in the club, but not here. Is that common?”

  “Not around here.”

  He turned to her. “You look even prettier under the sunlight. Your face glows. Your hair sparkles.”

  “Thank you.” She raised an eyebrow. “Might be afterglow from all the sex.”

  “It will be difficult to leave this form tonight.”

  Tracy’s smile vanished and he regretted mentioning leaving. Would she be sad when he changed? She put on such a tough exterior, she was difficult to read, but at times he glimpsed a softer, more vulnerable side. Especially when she let down her guard in the bedroom and melted into his arms, letting him take care of her the way he wanted.

  He knew better than to expect her to take the vow. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And from his observations of humans, they didn’t jump into these things lightly. But he knew she was the one. He didn’t know if she’d ever realize it with her guarded nature. And he couldn’t push it upon her or try to convince her otherwise. So he’d enjoy spending the time as a human with her before returning to stone.

  The day was passing all too quickly. By the time they’d made it to the beach, it was late afternoon. The hours slipped by as they walked along the ocean, getting to know each other better. Danton knew so much about her, but she knew very little about him other than the sublime feel of his body against hers. Fitting her so right, so completely right.

  “Earlier you said something about humans being afraid of what’s different,” Tracy began. “What are you talking about specifically?”

  “They are blind to what’s all around them.”

  Tracy scanned the beach filled with people who appeared to be perfectly normal. What else could he be talking about? “At Vamps?”

  With its underground subculture, Vamps had its share of those who were different. Those exploring an alternative lifestyle or expressing themselves through unique vinyl outfits or various other types of eccentric costumes flocked to this venue where they were accepted—even lauded—for being “freaks”.