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His bloodshot eyes turned cold. She recognized the look—the one he had when crossing over to a darker, violent side. “You won’t even give me a chance? What do you think—you’re too good for me, you stuck-up bitch?”
She reached into her purse to grab her pepper spray, but he rushed her, knocking her to the ground. She kicked at him, aiming for his crotch, but he turned and she hit more thigh than his goods. Too bad she’d taken her boots off. He recovered quickly and jumped on her, pinning her by the wrists.
“Get off me!” She tried to claw him, but with her arms restrained, she flailed more than hit her target.
This was why she left Brian. How many times did it end up like this, with him getting abusive and then forgetting the next day?
“Help!” she screamed as she struggled to get out of his grasp. “Help.” She knew it was useless since Danton was long gone, but she willed the gargoyle to hear her cries. “Danton!”
“Shut up.” He covered her mouth and she tried to bite him. “Careful,” he said. “I wouldn’t do that.”
He’d released one wrist as he covered her mouth so she used the opportunity. She bit down on his hand and poked his left eye. As he covered his eye, she chopped him in the throat. Then, using a technique she’d learned in self-defense class, she moved her legs in opposite directions to knock him off his center of gravity and then rolled to one side. He lost his balance and fell off her, tumbling to her side.
She jumped to her feet and ran up the beach, screaming for help. He recovered quickly enough that he was right behind her. She resisted losing momentum by looking back to see how close he was.
Once she had a little distance, she could lose him. She ran twice a week for cardio while his physical fitness regime was the twelve-ounce curls. She just needed to widen the distance…
It was too late. Brian leapt onto her, knocking her forward. She barely had time to brace her fall with her hands before she ate sand.
Although their encounters had ended up similarly in the past, Tracy always held back, attempting to diffuse the situation and calm his temper rather than fight back. But everyone had their limits and she passed hers a long time ago when she’d had him arrested and filed for a restraining order. A blind rage now consumed her so she could barely see—it resembled the unfocused vision of her panic attacks, but this time it was driven by pure fury.
She twisted back while throwing her fist at the mass behind her. The resistance of solid flesh and his groan signaled she hit him good, although she wasn’t sure where. As she squirmed out from under him, she kicked, punched and scratched, relentless until she escaped his hold.
Her vision cleared as she pulled herself to her feet. He lay hunched over the sand, clutching his stomach with a pained expression. But then with fury in his eyes he reached for her ankle.
Before he got a good grasp, she maneuvered out of his grip. Then she kicked her leg back and hit him full force in the gut. He rolled onto his back, still groaning and clutching his stomach.
“Apparently, my words and the court order didn’t sink in, so maybe that will.”
Her breathing was so erratic she had to take a few moments to recover, never taking her eyes off Brian. His face was marred with scratches and he was clearly hurt. Guilt smacked her in her core. She’d never kicked anyone like that, and he was a person she’d once loved.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“Yeah,” he said. “I think so.”
She offered him a hand to get to his feat.
He spat on her hand. “Bitch.” And climbed onto one knee.
The fury returned. She spun her arm back and hit him square in the jaw. “Don’t talk to me like that. In fact, don’t call me or come near me again.”
She turned to storm away, but almost walked directly into a bronzed brawny chest. Danton peered down at her with his arms crossed and an amused expression.
“Feeling better?”
Oh God, the French accent. He came.
“Oh Danton.” Tracy threw her arms around him and he pulled her close. “What are you doing here?”
“I heard you call. When I arrived, you seemed to be doing fine holding your own. Are you all right?”
She raised her chin and appraised her well-being. It felt good to fight back and not take Brian’s crap. “Never better.”
Brian recovered his voice. “That’s the monster. I knew it!”
“The only monster here is you, Brian,” Tracy spat. “You need to get help. Immediately.”
“Can I add something?” Danton had a twinkle in his eye. “I’d hate to have come to protect you only to stand by like an ornament.”
Tracy grinned. “I suppose.”
Danton’s wings unfurled around him, making him appear like a dark-winged god as he approached Brian. Tracy scanned the shoreline to make sure nobody was watching.
“Holy shit,” Brian said. “I knew I didn’t imagine this.”
“No, you didn’t.” Danton lifted Brian two feet off the ground, holding him by the throat. Danton’s icy-blue eyes reflected his fury while Brian’s bloodshot ones showed his terror. “I should have killed you at Vamps. It’s only because Tracy stopped me that you’re alive.” Brian tried to break Danton’s hold with his hands while he choked and flailed his legs. “Tracy has told you repeatedly she doesn’t want you bothering her and I am here to protect her. Before you even make it within ten yards of her, I will destroy you. Understand?”
Danton dropped Brian to the ground. Brian choked and grabbed his throat before he stammered, “Uh huh.”
“Leave us,” Danton commanded.
Brian ran up the beach, stumbling at times, but not turning back. Soon he was nothing but a tiny dot that disappeared into the darkness.
“Where did you go?” Tracy asked.
“I’d made arrangements to return to Paris,” Danton said, wrapping his arms around her.
“Why would you do that?” Her words came in a higher pitch than she’d intended.
“I understand how you feel. I didn’t want to be like Brian, bothering you, getting in the way. After what happened between us last night, I thought I might be a distraction so it was better I left you alone. All I want is for you to be safe and happy.”
“Danton, I was just wrong. I should never have run from you. I haven’t had a panic attack like that in years and I don’t know—so much happened so quickly.” She brushed her hair out of her face. “But I realized something after I left. And when I thought I lost you, it confirmed it. The thing is, I love you. Maybe it’s crazy, but man or gargoyle, I’ll always love you.”
His eyes widened in amazement.
“If it’s not too late, I want to be with you. Now and forever. Can we take the oath?”
Danton couldn’t speak for several moments. All the years of watching over her, he never dreamed she’d fall in love with him. And to take the oath? It was the most incredible feeling he’d ever experienced in his hundreds of years.
“Are you sure you want to?” he asked. “You know this is permanent.”
“Absolutely.” She looked around. “How do we do it?”
“We take a vow when we’re joined. We declare our oath. And magic will seal us, binding me to you as your protector, sealing our declaration as lovers.”
“Is it like being married in the gargoyle world?”
“In the way that it’s a sacred bond. It cannot be severed by divorce though.”
“What do you mean by when we are joined—making love?”
A naughty glint entered her eyes that matched her smile. “Good. I owe you one. I’d promised you we’d make love one more time before you transformed, but I left. How about I make it up to you not just tonight, but for as many nights as you can handle?”
Danton couldn’t resist grinning. “That’s the best offer I’ve ever heard.”
Back in Tracy’s bed, he took his time making love to her. They weren’t pressured by their time together slipping away so he ki
ssed every inch of her body, savoring the lavender scent of her skin, before entering her. Being inside Tracy once again was phenomenal, it felt so right.
This wasn’t just one night of sex, it was part of a ritual, sealing their fates. He looked into her eyes and saw his love and devotion reflected in her warm brown eyes. “I take an oath to bind with you, Tracy. I promise to love you and protect you with all my powers as a gargoyle and a man.”
The air sizzled around them as if infused with electricity. Magic filled the room, visible as silver and gray wispy clouds, surrounding them and penetrating their skin. Danton felt the tingle similar to when he transformed from stone to man, but Tracy had never experienced it before.
A frightened glint came into her eyes, worrying him. She might fear the magic. She might change her mind.
“It’s okay, Tracy. The magic won’t hurt you. It won’t change you. It’s supposed to be this way.”
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Now he was more than a little afraid she was going to back out.
When she reopened her eyes, he saw them now filled with warmth and determination. “I promise to love you and be with you, Danton.” She grinned. “And if I can protect you in any way, I will.”
The magic swirled around him, sealing their vow. A powerful presence entered Danton’s body, his soul, and he knew they were bound together. The oath had sealed them, body and mind. He exhaled in happiness and relief, joined with the woman he loved, excited to take on a new life as both a human and gargoyle, ready to learn more of the magic of his kind.
“I’m sure you will.” He smiled with a glint in his eye. “You pack quite a punch.”
About Lisa Carlisle
Lisa gravitates toward stories with dark, brooding, isolated characters (think Heathcliff, Dracula, Darth Vader and Severus Snape) and tough, independent, caring heroines. She’s wanted to write since the sixth grade and is thrilled to now be a multi-published, award-winning author.
She spent a short time in the Marine Corps, living in Parris Island, the California desert, and Okinawa, Japan. She then backpacked alone around the US and Europe and lived in Paris, France, before returning to the U.S. to buy a bookstore. Now she lives outside of Boston with her husband and children and draws on these experiences in her stories.
Lisa welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.
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Also by Lisa Carlisle
Underground Encounters 1: Smoldering Nights
Underground Encounters 2: Fiery Nights
Underground Encounters 3: Rock Me Tonight
Underground Encounters 4: Bloodlust and Metal
Print books by Lisa Carlisle
Underground Encounters 1 & 2: Night Encounters
Underground Encounters 3: Rock Me Tonight
Ellora’s Cave Publishing
Gargoyle’s Embrace
ISBN 9781419948954
Gargoyle’s Embrace Copyright © 2013 Lisa Carlisle
Edited by Raelene Gorlinsky
Cover design and photography by Syneca
Model: Ryan
Electronic book publication November 2013
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